Participation in Soil Biology Lab Skills Course for Assessing Soil Functions

 / Wageningen, Netherland

Training Strengthens Methodological Diversity in SoilRob


To expand the methodological expertise in the SoilRob project, PhD candidate Lukas Thielemann, supported by the individual training budget for doctoral candidates at ZALF, was able to participate in the one-week "Soil Biology Lab Skills Course for Assessing Soil Functions" at Wageningen University in the Netherlands in September 2024. In addition to exercises on sampling and identifying various soil organisms such as earthworms or nematodes, different analyses for estimating microbial diversity and soil carbon quality were practically taught. Alongside these hands-on experiences, a lot of theoretical knowledge on soil biology was conveyed. The knowledge gained and the new impulses from the lab course can now be applied in the SoilRob project, contributing to the refinement and expansion of selected methods.

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